Conveyor belt model
This unit introduces the concept of the Conveyor belt. In contrast to the Bjerknes model, this model focuses on the paths that the cold, warm and dry air masses take in the cyclone. It also links the jets, polar front and cyclone.

Learning goals
After completion of this unit students will be able to connect thermodynamic, cloud microphysical and dynamical concepts to
- interpret extra-tropical cyclones in terms of the conveyor belt theory
- explain jet dynamics, and calculate the speed of the jet based on the thermal wind equation
- explain the general circulation
Students’ Tasks
- Watch this video
- Read chapter included) and pp. 465-469 (included) in chapter 7 of Lectures in Meteorology.
- Participate in the discussion channel of this unit on the discussion board
- Answer questionnaire by the deadline.
- Study this schematic view of the frontal slope explanation.
- Solve the problems assigned at your class level in this unit 22 task sheet and submit the scanned solutions to by Thursday at 2359 Alaska time.
Supplemental Material
You can get a printout of the unit 22 powerpoint presentation .
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